2018年1月21日 星期日

苗.春祭 2018 Sprouts! Art Festival



Performance / Workshop / Land Art / Sharing Kitchen / Forest Camping






7 Days of 'Sprouts! Art festival' is the surreal artistic experience held for professional performing artists in the inland of Taiwan.

By utilizing the fundamentals of Land cultivation, it’s further branched out into 4 different sections, including [Visual Communication], [Performing Arts], [Experience sharing] and [Organic Living].

Co-operating with each other creates the stamina and power that represents Sprouts! Art festival. The aim is for individuals to explore their own ideal lifestyle.


活動時間 Event Time
2018/2/18 ➤ 2018/2/24

活動登場 Event Location
➤ 南投埔里 紙寮坑藝術農工場 (南投縣埔里鎮桃米里桃米巷35-2號,桃米社區)
Paper Hut Stream Artlabors’ Farm
No,35-2, Taomi lane, Puli Township, Nantou County (Near Taomi Ecological Village)

線上報名期間 Registration Period
2018/1/17 ➤ 2018/2/17

參與費用 Registration fee
★ 成人(12歲以上) Adult
參與一日 $1200 Stay 1 day
參與三日 $3200 Stay 3 days 
參與七日 $6000 Stay 7 days

★ 孩童(6-12歲) Children
參與一日 $600 Stay 1 day
參與三日 $1600 Stay 3 days 
參與七日 $3000 Stay 7 days

報名連結 Registration Form

官方網站 Official Website

交通方式 Traffic
★ 地圖及詳細資訊 Map & Route Informations

報名問題請洽 Contact us
★ 電話 Phone ➤ 04-22062777 艸田 空間
★ 手機 Mobile ➤ 0937-834561 學宗 SyueZong / 0952-404217 小蓮 Lien
★ 寄信 Email ➤ sproutsartfestival@gmail.com

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