2017年1月10日 星期二

苗春祭 2017 購票辦法

Ticket type

☞ 個人預購票 Single ticket

一日票 1200 / 三日票 3200 / 五日票 5000 / 七日票 6000

☞ 團體預購票 Group ticket

一日票 1150 x4 / 三日票 3100 x4 / 五日票 4850 x4 / 七日票 5850 x4
☞ 限時早鳥票 Early Bird ticket(2016/12/18-12/31 期間售票)

一日票 1100 / 三日票 3000 / 五日票 4700 / 七日票 5700


Ticket sold time



Booking online, get limited poster and stickers!
Buy Group ticket, get beer / pour-over coffee coupon!


Buy ticket
☞ 直接連到訂票表單 Link to booking form


Booking instruction

※ 此贊助為共同籌辦本次活動之資金挹注,用於支持所有參與者之勞動成果及投入建設,提供參與者之宿營和共食代理,非屬對外營業行為。
※ 本票券已包含活動入場、露營、共食資格,現場提供營位,需自備帳篷與睡袋。
※ 現場報到入場前,會核對身份兌換票券並簽署購票贊助同意書。
※ 如須退票,最晚於1/20前來訊粉絲頁申請,退款將扣除10%手續費,逾期不再受理。

※ Ticket purchase equals sponsorship. All the income from tickets is for holding this event and supporting the participants, including performers, constructors and maintenance during the event.
※ Accommodation and meals we provided are only for this event. Above two are not our regular services.
※ The ticket includes admission, camping and make meals qualifications, you need to bring your own tent and sleeping bag.
※ During the event, before your first entering, you will have to register first. Which including two steps: show your identity and sign a sponsorship consent.
※ If you need refund, please inform us on our facebook page before 20th January 2017. Any application after this date will not be accepted. 10% of the fee will be deducted from your refund.


You are deemed to read and agree our booking instruction when you submit this form. Thank you for your sponsorship. Feel free to ask anything if you have any questions. Contact us from the link below.


時間:2017/1/30-2/5 (大年初三至初九)

地點:南投埔里 紙寮坑藝術農工場
Paper Hut Stream artlabors' farm, Puli, Nantou


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